$sudo apt-get install gfortran g++ python-dev python-numpy liblapack-dev libblas-dev tcl tk zlib1g-dev bison flex checkinstall openmpi-bin libx11-dev cmake grace gettext libboost-all-dev swig
And install superlu package.
$sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev python3-mpi4py cython
And I build Code aster 15.2.0 sequential version with –prefi x=/opt/aster/15.2.
Code Aster 15.4
Download the source code from sourceforge and put into ~/aster-full-src-15.2.0/SRC/aster-15.4.0.And add in the following folder.
To get source code from author’s HP. Then execute following procedure.
$ tar xfvz OpenBLAS-0.2.20.tar.gz $ cd OpenBLAS-0.2.20$ make NO_AFFINITY=1 USE_OPENMP=1 $ make PREFIX=/opt/OpenBLAS install $ echo /opt/OpenBLAS/lib | sudo tee -a /etc/$ sudo ldconfig
Download “scalapack_installer.tgz and unpack.
$./ --lapacklib=/opt/OpenBLAS/lib/libopenblas.a --mpicc=mpicc --mpif90=mpif90 --mpiincdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include --ldflags_c=-fopenmp --ldflags_fc=-fopenmp --prefix=/opt/scalapack-n --ccflag=-fPIC --fcflag=-fPIC
$ tar xvf parmetis-4.0.3.tar.gz $ cd parmetis-4.0.3
Integer size is 8 byte in this work. #defi ne IDXTYPEWIDTH 64″ and “#defi ne REALTYPEWIDTH 64”is written in ~/parmetis-4.0.3/metis/include/metis.h.
$ make config shared=1 prefix=/opt/parmetis-4.0.3 $ make
and install.
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/parmetis-4.0.3/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ make install
Scotch and Ptscotch
Unpack scotch-6.0.4-aster5.tar.gz which is included the package of code_aster in /opt.
$ cd /opt/scotch-6.0.4/src
Makefi is here
$ make scotch esmumps ptscotch ptesmumps CCD=mpicc
$ make check $ make ptcheck
Pick mumps-5.2.1-aster2.tar.gz from the package of code_aster out and unpack it. The name offolder is changed to mumps-5.2.1_mob.
$ cd /opt/mumps-5.2.1_mob
Makefi ダウンロード
$ make all
Next, to go to ~/examples and check the MUMPS.
petsc 3.12.3.tar.gz is downloaded from author’s HP. Then unpack it in /opt. First , a few line (line43 to 48) is commented out in /opt/petsc-3.12.3/confi g/BuildSystem/confi g/packages/
def configureLibrary(self): config.package.Package.configureLibrary(self) oldFlags = self.compilers.CPPFLAGS self.compilers.CPPFLAGS += ' '+self.headers.toString(self.include) # if not self.checkCompile('#include "metis.h"', ' #if (IDXTYPEWIDTH != '+ str(self.getDefaultIndexSize())+')\n#error incompatible IDXTYPEWIDTH\n#endif'): # if self.defaultIndexSize == 64: # msg= '--with-64-bit-indices option requires a metis build with IDXTYPEWIDTH=64.\n' # else: # msg= 'IDXTYPEWIDTH=64 metis build appears to be specified for a default 32-bit-indices build of PETSc.\n' # raise RuntimeError('Metis specified is incompatible!\n'+msg+'Suggest using --download-metis for a compatible metis')
And when openmpi is used, path to openmpi library is added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Next is asample.
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
confi gure.
$ ./configure --with-debugging=0 COPTFLAGS='-O -fPIC' CXXOPTFLAGS='-O -fPIC' FOPTFLAGS='-O -fPIC' --with-shared-libraries=yes --with-scalapack-dir=/opt/scalapack-n --PETSC_ARCH=linux-metis-mumps --with-metis-dir=/opt/aster/public/metis-5.1.0 --with-ptscotch-dir=/opt/scotch-6.0.4 --LIBS="-lgomp" --with-mumps-dir=/opt/mumps-5.2.1_mob -with-x=0 --with-blas-lapack-lib=[/opt/OpenBLAS/lib/libopenblas.a] --force --download-petsc4py=yes --download-hypre=yes --download-ml=yes --download-superlu=yes
$ make PETSC_DIR=/opt/petsc-3.12.3 PETSC_ARCH=linux-metis-mumps all
Code Aster 15.4 MPI
Go to source code folder.
$ cd ..Downloads/aster-full-src-15.2.0/SRC/aster-15.4.0
a part of ~/waftools/ is modifi ed to skip the checking of blacs.
# program testing a blacs call, output is 0 and 1 blacs_fragment = r""" program test_blacs integer iam, nprocs # call blacs_pinfo (iam, nprocs) # print *,iam # print *,nprocsend program test_blacs """
Modify profi in /opt/aster/15.2/share/aster.
profi ダウンロード
$ source /opt/aster/15.2/share/aster/
Download following fi les and put into the source code folder. ダウンロード ダウンロード
$ ./waf clean
$ ./waf configure --use-config-dir=/opt/aster/15.2/share/aster --use-config=Ubuntu_gnu_mpi --prefix=/opt/aster/15.4MP
$ ./waf build --jobs=1
$ ./waf install
When build is fi nished, sign up the parallel version in /opt/aster/etc/codeaster/aster.
In case of petsc01a