This is a minutes of installation of Code_Aster v13.6 on xUbuntu18.04LTS.
First, the package was downloaded from following homepage.
Next, some packages rewquired for build were installed.
$su apt-get install gfortran g++ python-dev python-numpy liblapack-dev libblas-dev tcl tk zlib1g-dev bison flex checkinstall openmpi-bin libx11-dev cmake grace gettext libboost-all-dev swig
Then , aster-full-src-13.6.0-1.noarch.tar.gz was untared and to go into aster-full-src-13.6.0.
$python install --prefix=/opt/aster
Typing above command, code_aster v13.6 was set under /opt/aster.
This is a result of confirmation.
/opt/aster/bin/as_run --vers=13.6 --test forma01a
The work was completed without any trouble. Thank you!